Scott Edward Chapman Franklin TN

Republished with permission of the author.
Meet hate group Identity Dixie member Scott Edward Chapman aka FatherDabney aka GrandDabney of Franklin, TN.
Currently Scott Chapman of Franklin, TN is posting under GrandDabney. The reason is because last year he deactivated when I outted him, then started another account.
One of the ways I originally identified Scott Chapman was his old blog, which included a bio and a photo.

Another way I identified Scott Chapman is via his daughter Caroline.

@carolinechap can you get your dad to stop posting propaganda from the hate group he’s in? Thanks!


His son Zac is also on Twitter. Hey @Chapman_Z31 is also on Twitter.

Come collect your bigot father please.


Scott Chapman went to a high school named after the first leader of the Klan and that stuck with him apparently.


I’d post more bio on him, which I have in plenty, but is it really necessary? Nah, Caroline knows he dad posts vile shit on Twitter even if she doesn’t know his new account.ImageImageImageImage

Scott Chapman of Franklin, TN loves to post the antisemitic “merchant meme” because he’s antisemitic yet not very creative.ImageImageImageImage

Scott E. Chapman of Franklin, TN despises African Americans and likes equating them to chimps.


Scott Chapman also fondly recalled for us that time he assaulted two African American women 19 years ago.
Scott E. Chapman also likes Nazi salutes and HH, which is “Heil Hitler”
Scott is a big time fan of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and of League of the South leader Michael Hill.
He shares all of his favorite hate sites with his followers.
Scott Chapman attends @CStonePres, who doesn’t seem to care about a white supremacist in their congregation.

Scott loved the UniteTheRight white supremacist rally and the fear the Nazi torch rally put into minorities and marginalized communities.

He also supported the violent white supremacists when they got arrested later.


Words do mean things Scott Chapman and you do deserve accountability.

You wanted a better adversary then fled when you got one. I expect you’ll tuck tail and run again.

Lol yep I’m still around. Will you be? ????
I’ll end with this ironic post. Tell Missy and the kids I said hi.