“Brandon Elliott”
Open source social media data retrieval from Twitter and Instagram:
- https://www.instagram.com/brandonelliott19
- https://www.instagram.com/btwirp/
- https://twitter.com/btwirp
Content here:
“Brandon Elliott”
Open source social media data retrieval from Twitter and Instagram:
Content here:
Did you know that Rob Monster, the CEO of EpikDotCom…the domain registrar for Gab, The Daily Stormer, Incels dot co etc, is also protecting sites dedicated to doxxing Antifascist activists?
Context: Drain the web-host swamp
Robert “Rob” William Monster
Business address (according to Washington State business registry): 3832 234th Ave Se Sammamish, WA 98075-6310
“The Bible-Thumping Tech CEO Who’s Proud Of Keeping Neo-Nazis Online Rob Monster claims he helped resurrect Gab because of his commitment to free speech.”
“He also has a lot to say about Jews.”
Article: Southern Poverty Law Center
“Quietly, a small domain registrar called Epik is cornering the market on websites where hate speech is thriving.”
Article: Seattle Times
“Seattle-area company helps fringe site Gab return in wake of Pittsburgh synagogue shooting”
Article: Southern Poverty Law Center
The website for the Daily Stormer, the white supremacist, neo-Nazi and antisemitic racist group, has lost access to a critical piece of web infrastructure that allows the general public to access its hate propaganda easily.
Article: Mic
“Crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell uses Gab to threaten reporter covering Charlottesville trial
Some of Monster’s social media:
Businesses registered to Rob Monster:
Another way I identified Scott Chapman is via his daughter Caroline.
@carolinechap can you get your dad to stop posting propaganda from the hate group he’s in? Thanks!
His son Zac is also on Twitter. Hey @Chapman_Z31 is also on Twitter.
Come collect your bigot father please.
Scott Chapman went to a high school named after the first leader of the Klan and that stuck with him apparently.
I’d post more bio on him, which I have in plenty, but is it really necessary? Nah, Caroline knows he dad posts vile shit on Twitter even if she doesn’t know his new account.
Scott Chapman of Franklin, TN loves to post the antisemitic “merchant meme” because he’s antisemitic yet not very creative.
Scott E. Chapman of Franklin, TN despises African Americans and likes equating them to chimps.
Scott loved the UniteTheRight white supremacist rally and the fear the Nazi torch rally put into minorities and marginalized communities.
He also supported the violent white supremacists when they got arrested later.
Words do mean things Scott Chapman and you do deserve accountability.
You wanted a better adversary then fled when you got one. I expect you’ll tuck tail and run again.
Originally I was just going to grab your face so people knew who was streaming near them
Then you went and escalated, posting a video of you fondling your walmart deerhunter special.
So, Dillion Buck Knowlton of Fort Collins, Co. Here I am.
Generally I dont respond to small fish trying to make their bones off of me.
Yet you remain a pretty sad example of an America that failed you. In another place, we could have been friends
Doesnt work on Vermont Drive in Fort Collins, Colorado or in Seattle.
If you are just a sad mark, taken in by Alex Jones and right wing media like TPUSA, turn back. There is still time to be a decent human being
Nazis get the boot.
We closed the door to fascists.
Ask the local proud boys and chuds we chased off.
This is not a threat. This is the reality of the Pacific Northwest.
You haven’t done anything to earn our wrath.
Film protestors, faces and endanger our community? That will change very quickly. We will defend ourselves, vigorously and directly
Your hateful ideology is not welcome here
Renounce your pseudo-conservative views & learn to help & protect people?
We’ve heard a lot from the alt-right (coughs in conservatives somewhere) about their desires for free speech. Typically this means they’d like to or are planning to launch a violent, disparaging, hateful assault of some sort, whether it be in propaganda, with physical violence, or coordinating these sorts of activities.
So with that in mind, here are some free speech advocates’ Instagram accounts:
Libby Shaw, an SMIU Study, and Behind-the-Scenes Influence Operations
Update: This article was update on 10/26/2021 at 2:33 PT to improve image visibility, remove a few redundant points add photos for the people mentioned and update one of their names.
In July 2020, the Social Media Intelligence Unit (SMIU) published an analytical report called “Society Burning: Tactical Assessment. (Archived)” SMIU is European and appears to have an objective of stopping the far-right from taking a larger foothold on social media.
The paper “analyzes” social media activity of the far right, as well as what they consider Antifa. Some conclusions drawn in this analysis are dangerous. They indicate centralization of effort where none exists. They generalize and lead readers to draw false conclusions regarding antifascist activists.
The actions spelled out in this report appear to be a coordinated effort between SMIU’s newest “Source Intelligence Analyst,” Elisabeth “Libby” Shaw, and Dustin Ledford Woods “neuralculture.” Shaw also uses the names “StBridgetAthena” “KittenOfBastet” and “LibbyInPhilly,” while Woods uses “neuralculture”, “circusofanarchy” and “agencyofchaos.”
The SMIU study was a product of Alliance4Europe. The names of the contributors are James Patrick (LE / Intel community), Libby Shaw (LibbyInPhilly) & serial SWATter, FBI cooperator & spousal abuser Neal Rauhauser. (Top of Page 45 from Society Burning is below)
Shaw’s LinkedIn results:
Anti-Antifa Bias
For over three years, Shaw has demonstrated disdain for antifascists, been heavily engaged in psy-ops and propaganda, and has coordinated with extraordinarily dangerous propagandists on the far-right in the process.
“The far left ideologies are appealing because they can feign a position of strength. But even if put into power, they still have to find compromise with the GOP. I think many would be surprised to see how quickly that strength turns into practicality.”
“The far left and the far right are working together to create imaginary enemies. They want to look like they’ve been victimized. They haven’t. They do it to themselves. They learned it in the men’s rights movement and perfected it during gamergate.” ~Libby Shaw (StBridgetAthena) 2017-08-04
“That’s the problem. Exactly. The “antifa dorks” who are “fighting white supremacy” only see things in black & white (literally and figuratively). They aren’t listening to ppl who aren’t seeing things through the same lens.” ~Libby Shaw (StBridgetAthena) 2019-09-04 https://archive.vn/ZtzE1
“That’s what accelerationism does. We only ever really hear about the NRx and white supremacist side of that, but Nick Land’s version came years after the original Italian futurist philosophy. Accelerationism is what ties far left and right groups.” ~Libby Shaw (StBridgetAthena) 2020-06-08 https://archive.vn/K0NiW
“if you run both sides ops, you can have one side faildox a persona on the other side. the side who does the faildoxing gets to build engagement and group cohesion. the receiving end can hold up the “attack” from the other side as evidence of persecution by the opposition.” ~Libby Shaw (StBridgetAthena) 2020-07-23 https://archive.vn/V8bjQ
Two key people coordinating
Series of events related to Dustin Ledford Woods and Libby Shaw:
Findings by an employee at the group who published the study could create harm by demonizing Antifa, then amplifying that message with coordinated propaganda, produced in part by the very same employee
These are a few of the many inaccurate, harmful and dangerous findings in the report:
For over three years, (now) SMIU analyst Libby has espoused anti-Antifa rhetoric. Neuralculture, has a track-record of being somewhat of an edgelord and bombastic in gaining attention and perception-wise, “taking control” of different events via Twitter. They’ve changed handles to the following over the last three months (these handles are the primary ones driving the accelerationist messaging):
Correction (2020-08-18): Initial post indicated collaboration between neuralculture and Libby on Wire. This has been corrected to reflect Twitter and Discord.
Bill Mitchell
Twitter Data @mitchellvii ID 17980523 (2020-08-13)
Gab Friends & Follwers – Gab.com/@mitchellvii (2019-06-24)
Open Source – Multiple Pulls
Note: within API limits (Twitter limited to 10K followers, 10K friends, 3.2K tweets & ~200 likes)
Data available here.
Data: https://archive.org/details/UTR-TwitterData-A12-2020
We’ve been keeping tabs on some folks. In this case, the folks who coordinated and/or propagandized Unite the Right. Inside you’ll find twitter data for the folks at the bottom of this post, as well as a running twitter log from 9/20/2019 – 8/11/2020 for some of the major players. The unzipped version is 201MB – so fellow nerds, enjoy.
A few documents with civil lawsuits filed, for context:
Data details:
Open source twitter data from 9/20/2019 – 8/11/2020 (adjusted a few times as users were banned / @’s changed):
@emperorinvictus OR @cptblackpill OR @evanmclaren OR @daniel_friberg OR @MikePComedyAcct OR @richardbspencer OR @drdavidduke OR @themaddimension OR to:emperorinvictus OR to:cptblackpill OR to:evanmclaren OR to:daniel_friberg OR to:MikePComedyAcct OR to:richardbspencer OR to:drdavidduke OR to:themaddimension OR from:emperorinvictus OR from:cptblackpill OR from:evanmclaren OR from:daniel_friberg OR from:MikePComedyAcct OR from:richardbspencer OR from:drdavidduke OR from:themaddimension
The data file also includes Friends, Followers, Tweets and Likes for:
CSV files are here
URLs to archives are in each of the individual links (if applicable)
“Ranking” of the number of connections these accounts follow and are followed by the accounts below, can be found here.
Inside the ranking you will also find Archive URLs with the date they were archived. This means when a Twitter ID decides to “Change up” (for example, turn from whatever they appear as today, to…an antifascist account), you’ll be able to see what the account looked like beforehand.
You can check here for a much larger lookup roster with username, twitter ID & date added.